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Type Nomenclature

Type nomenclature

<boolean>on, off, yes, no, true, false, 1, 0, toggle
<argb_hex>Color as an 8 digit hex with alpha, red, green and blue channels
<path>An absolute file path
<string>Any UTF-8 string or symbol
<float>A floating point number
<integer>An integer
<positive_integer>A positive integer
<positive_integer list>A comma separated list of positive integers

Further <boolean> operations

All <boolean> properties can be negated with an exclamation mark, e.g. !on.

Further <argb_hex> operations

All colors (i.e. all fields where the value type is <argb_hex>) can additionally be accessed to change specific channels like this:

alpha<float>1.0The alpha channel of the color (0 to 1)
red<float>1.0The red channel of the color (0 to 1)
green<float>1.0The green channel of the color (0 to 1)
blue<float>1.0The blue channel of the color (0 to 1)

So for example, if I want to only change the alpha channel of the bars color I would use

sketchybar --bar color.alpha=0.5